Monday, July 24, 2006

My "First blog"!

This is my first blog and I promise to keep it short (and for me promises are not meant to be broken!!)

I will start with an observation of mine that Internet is back bigtime. After the painful dotcom bust, there was a lull for quite a few years. Someone has rightly said "Everything has a cycle". And expectedly last couple of years, we have witnessed a lot of action and as a result, a lot of innovative and exciting ideas in the internet and the related technologies - Open source, Wikipedia, AdSense/AdWords, Blogging, Internet telephony (Skype/Gtalk), Internet Video (YouTube/Google video), Orkut, Google Earth .. to name a few!

Google has definitely been one of the major (innovative yet profitable) players on the internet and, in my opinion, has reinforced the fact that if you have a cool product or a service, you can make a difference. The company must be an inspiration for many a folks who do want to make a difference through their own cool ideas. And in my humble opinion, a "cool" offering is the one that has:

  • simplicity - is simple & intutive yet effective and hence attracts new users easily
  • speed - is faster than the existing applications .. because most of us are short on time & patience
  • speciality - is unique in someway and has something that others do not offer
There are a plenty of areas yet to be explored and there is a huge opportunity for people who wish to make an impact. All that is required (I am sure everyone knows it already) is to have an "idea" and then implement that keeping the 3Ss (mentioned above) in mind.

Internet blogs are one of many "cool" concepts to have captured the attention of worldwide users .. and I too decided to get hooked !! My agenda is simple - to publish my thoughts on various topics and once in a while share stuff that will be useful (hopefully) for at least someone out there!

I will park my pen here .. and hopefully come back with something interesting ...


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